Helping farmers see results

About August York



August grew up on an organic apple and pear farm in northern California. From a young age he was exposed to the concepts and practices of biological farming from his father who was a a leading consultant for biodynamic viniculture, Alan York.

He earned a B.A. in Wholistic Systems from Prescott College with an emphasis in ecology & system thinking. He proceeded to work at Apricot Lane Farms, a large-scale farming enterprise leading in organic and regenerative agriculture. There he managed the farms large-scale composting, vermicompost, compost tea operations and assisted the orchard manager in soil fertility management.

In 2015 he went to work with Growing Solutions, bringing compost tea systems to large commercial farming operations. Working for Growing Solutions, August gained experience in multiple cropping systems working with commodity growers in the Midwest, citrus & avocado growers along the California coast, alfalfa growers in Nevada and fruit & nut growers in the central valley. These experiences taught him that the principles of biological agriculture remain the same, even as the practices and products may differ from crop to crop and place to place.


Current work

Taking his experience and expertise in 2017 August started Intuit Ag Consulting. Having grown up on a farm and witnessing first hand the struggles and joy of farming August is passionate about helping farmers meet the challenges they face. His goal is to help growers find straight forward, easy to implement and effective tools towards a more financially stable and biologically sound farming enterprise.

He now works with over fifteen commodity and specialty crops across the West Coast and Midwest, helping growers implement biological principles, practices and products into their operations.
