Crop Nutrition | Soil Microbiology | Fertilizers

IAC brings unique insights to understanding the challenges and opportunities that your farm has to offer.

We help farmers understand the principles of nutrient availability, why nutrients can be in abundance in the soil and still show up deficient in the plant. Why pest, disease and crop nutrition are closely related. How to take the principles in biological agronomy and use them make educated decisions on products selection, fertility rates & timing.


If the answer is yes to any of these questions IAC

can help you begin making changes:

Has your fertilizer bill increased year to year but yields remained flat?

Have you witnessed increased pest & disease pressure even as you put on stronger & stronger pesticides and fungicides?

Do you have less organic matter now in your soils than you did when you started farming?

Do you think your farm is reaching its crop’s genetic potential from an agronomic standpoint, or could it be improved?

Do you believe crops need more than just N-P-K to produce exceptional yields? 

Have you tried biological inputs or cover crops before and haven’t seen any results?

In tree crops do you have strong alternate bearing occurring, one year bringing big yields and the next much lower yields? 

Does your local fertilizer co-op or salesman bring you new products each year to try, or do they recommend the same old thing year after year?

Are you interested in trying a new approach to farming, one that takes a more cooperative approach to nature, rather than competitive?

Intuit Ag Services

  • Starter Fertilizer Recommendation

  • Foliar Recommendations                       

  • Compost Recommendations

  • Cover Crop Selection                 

  • Soil, Tissue & Sap Analysis     

  • Microbial inputs selection

  • Fertilizer recommendations    

  • Bio-Stimulant product selection                       

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